The Essence of Femininity

Be All the Things You Want In a Partner

Look for Green Lights When Choosing a Partner

The Amorality of Seduction Techniques

How to Choose Your Marriage Partner

Hoping For Those Three Little Words

Learning to Swim in the Deep End

Swiping the V-Card

The 6 Signs You’re Not Over Your Ex

Chastened A Contemporary Cautionary Tale

I made it through heartbreak and lived to tell the tale: I remember in the immediate aftermath following my breakup, I truly though my heart might shrivel up and fall out of my chest. I was in actual, physical pain. Over time this pain started to subside and eventually I realized that I would make it through. It was a tough thing to experience, but I’m sort of glad I did. Sort of.

It’s let me get to know myself: No more relying on someone else for built-in weekend entertainment. I’ve had to work hard to make friends in a new city and I’ve had to find activities I enjoy doing on my own. It took some adjusting, but I’m proud of the relationships I’ve developed.

I’m going to celebrate my single-versary by spending the night doing things I want to do. I’m going to cook what I’m in the mood for and then I’ll binge watch Friday Night Lights without worrying about whether the programming on the TV is in sync with what my significant other would like to be watching. Oh yeah, and then I’m going to go sleep like a starfish in the middle of my bed and not have to deal with anyone’s snoring. Being single definitely has its perks.

I love a lot of things about being single. Some of these include:

Watching whatever craptastic programming I feel like on television. Though as of late I’ve actually just been rewatching The Office, which is an excellent show and I’m not ashamed at all about it.

Sleeping like a starfish in the dead center of my bed.

Going where I want when I want with who I want and not having to tell anyone except maybe my mom because she worries.

But one thing I miss about being in a serious relationship is forming little weekly rituals with someone else. One night a week is takeout and Netflix night. On Tuesdays you try a restaurant you haven’t been to before. Those little traditions, even if they’re not anything fancy, are so comforting.

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