How to Choose Your Marriage Partner

Hoping For Those Three Little Words

Chasing Dudes is Desperate Lame and Pathetic

Attention Mongers Crybabies and Dramaheads

Dude Could You Pass the Porno

Jealousy Needn't Get Your Panties In a Twist

Milfs Hotties And Pseudo Sex-Pots

There's Never a Good Reason to Ball Your Best Friend's Man

News Flash: That Guy You're With Is a Pig

Sick of the Misogyny

Yes that’s very true, so often the problem comes from outside the friendship, either from others around you, or from society in general, potentially sabotaging a friendship over nothing at all.

I have experienced both extremes, seeing male/female friendships ripped apart by missunderstanding, and also friendships which last possibly forever, and can withstand anything without any fear that there is some kind of ulterior motive behind either person’s actions.

I have often caused confusion myself, always perhaps a little too quick and too eager to help, listen, support, to basically be friendly. It can so often be taken the wrong way, and yet there is no reason for it - I am doing nothing a female friend would not do. But the expectation is different because I am male; the suspicion is there, and self-delusion can so easily do the rest.

I agree with you all that outside factors can put too much pressure on a male-female friendship and even ruin it.  Some guys are just that nice, that kind, and that supportive…without wanting to be the boyfriend.  That was a totally foreign concept to me until recently, and I’m still getting used to thinking that way.  Besides that, as much as I kind of hate the term, I think every person has multiple soul mates in a lifetime…in my case my friends (guys AND girls) are some of them. As others have said, communication is key.  If you have such a deep connection to another person (in whatever capacity) you owe it to yourself and to them to be very clear about where you stand and keep that relationship going

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